Helping you grow your business the right way
Through our joint venture investments, investors share in property ownership, along with the income and capital growth associated with the investment. Whether you are looking to explore your first venture into the commercial investment world, or are already a seasoned veteran, we can provide the platform to make it happen.
If not implemented correctly, the sharing of property ownership, income, and capital growth with multiple investors can be complicated at best. We help to insure that this is not the case with our ventures.
We do this by first taking the time to completely understand short and long term goals, risk tolerance, return requirements and the past experience of each investor.
We then perform an in-depth analysis of each subject property. This includes, but not limited to: demographic overviews, location analysis, submarket research, third party report reviews (appraisal, environmental, etc.), research of potential pitfalls, financial statement analysis and historic cash flow analysis.
We then present our findings which not only address the current objectives, but also anticipate future growth and opportunities within each asset.
We do all this while still adhering to a strict risk management process, to mitigate potential risks, and to take advantage of opportunities that arise.
We pull back the veil of uncertainty through our thorough analysis of each prospective partner and potential asset, so that you can be confident in your investment.