“An unprecedented effort to recruit tech talent from Silicon Valley down to San Diego will launch early next year, with hopes of legitimizing San Diego’s technology brand and adding some fuel to the startup fire.”
‘“San Diego has to become a more recognized technology brand,” Krenn said. “We need to make an impression in Silicon Valley. We have to be up there consistently with powerful messages.”’
“Krenn said the job fair will feature more than 40 San Diego technology firms, including Illumina Inc., Dexcom Inc., Human Longevity Inc., Qualcomm Inc., ViaSat Inc. and Intuit Inc. The job fair will also feature local startups, including Portfolium, Classy, and Seismic.”
Citation & Link to Article and Picture: Meiling, Brittany. “San Francisco, Here We Come …To Steal Your Tech Talent.” San Diego Business Journal. N.p., 23 Nov. 2016. Web. 30 Nov. 2016. http://www.sdbj.com/news/2016/nov/23/san-francisco-here-we-come-steal-your-tech-talent/