Ware Malcomb shared its future office space concept at Development 2014 envision work zones named Focus, Collaborative, Team and Quiet. He organized the two-story concept into four different zones that support the work. (1) Focus, for undisturbed work that requires concentration; (2) Collaborative, for informal/formal interaction; (3) Team, for groups that work together each day; and (4) Quiet, for getting away from it all. The key to a successful office environment will continue to be occupant comfort. A project will go with dedicated outside air system that will deliver 100 percent filtered and conditioned outdoor air. It also has a daylight-controlled window coverings that automatically minimize solar heat.
Excerpts from the Article:
Envision work zones aptly named Focus, Collaborative, Team and Quiet; seamlessly integrated lighting, power and HVAC systems; and yes, treadmill desks. Ware Malcombshared its future office space concept at Development ’14, delivered by Ted Heisler.Ware Malcomb organized its two-story concept into four different zones that support the work to be done: (1) Focus, for undisturbed work that requires concentration; (2) Collaborative, for informal/formal interaction; (3) Team, for groups that work together each day; and (4) Quiet, for getting away from it all.
Citation and link:
Heisler, Ted. “In the Zone: Ware Malcomb’s Office Interior of the Future.” NAOIP News., 02 Dec. 2014 Web. 08 Dec. 2014. Click here for original article!