Over the past 15 months pricing for property in the General Commercial segment has been increasing steadily and gained momentum in recent months due to improving market fundamentals and increased capital flows across commercial real estate size and quality spectrum. Major investors provide an attractive environment for property investors lead to sales volume up in July as healthy market fundamentals, low interest rates and increasing allocations to commercial real estate.
Excerpts from the Article:
“Plentiful capital available for investment and improving market conditions continued to provide a boost to property pricing this past July, according to the latest (CCRSI). The CCRSI’s equal-weighted U.S. Composite Index, which is more heavily influenced by the more numerous smaller, lower value property sales, increased by a strong 1.5% in July 2014 and 11.9% for the 12 months ending in July 2014, rising to within 20% of its prerecession peak reached in 2007.” Trainor, Tim. “CoStar’s Repeat-Sale Index Tracks Rising Transaction Volume, Improving Investment Condition.” CoStar News., 17 Sept. 2014. Web. 12 Oct. 2014. http://www.costar.com/News/Article/CoStars-Repeat-Sale-Index-Tracks-Rising-Transaction-Volume-Improving-Investment-Conditions/164199