Constructions experts and local development welcomed the changes of the City of San Diego that the city for years has been plagued by bottlenecked project processing services. In December, local business can use OpenDSD to schedule and pay for inspections online for San Diego permits. Moreover, the changes overall are well timed as the city now sees an accelerating post-recession pace of commercial projects being processed. The changes should create a level of certainty for project planning that often was not possible with the old system.
Excerpts from the Article:
“Facing a rising tide of new development projects heading through the pipeline, the City of San Diego has taken steps to streamline its processing of project permits and plans, moving a large portion of operations online. In December, local business seeking San Diego permits will also be able to use OpenDSD to schedule and pay for inspections online, officials said.” Hirsh, Lou. “City of San Diego Finally Moves Many Permit Processes Online.” San Diego Business Journal. Real Estate., 13 Oct. 2014: 6. Print.